05 November 2005

PC & the Education Establishment

No reasonable thinking person can be opposed to removing government from education. Only the stupid (or ignorant), teachers unions, politicians and others that derive their living, or power, or whatever else from the education status quo can still believe that government provides any benefit to educating children and young adults.

Every year we pour more money in the system and less comes out, except, of course, more teacher pay and benefits. It seems that as time passes, and we become a richer nation, we inevitably hurtle towards a more sanitized and sensitive approach to enlightening young minds. Our fear of offending anyone has led to the absurd circumstance of an education establishment that allows no diversity of thought; suppresses logical thought by disallowing reasoned opinions; and most of all, represses creativity.

Let parents educate their children the way they choose...the same way upper-middle and upper income parents choose. Teachers, as a group and an establishment, are racist because they insist on locking poorer minorities out of the opportunities that a sound education provides.

Ever note how many D.C. politicians send their kids to the D.C. public schools. They believe that only the poorest and least powerful in our society should be condemned to that fate. The hypocrites.

Would more children receive a much better education...Yes! Would fewer children be left behind...Yes! Would a few children be sent to way-out schools and receive whacked-out educations...Yes! Some would argue that to save the few, we should condemn the masses. Absurd!

Get government out of the education business. Promote diversity of ideas and creativity by unleashing the power entrepreneurship and parental freedom to choose. Those who are easily offended can send their kids to P.C. schools.
